Covid-19 Cases and Deaths analysis around the world

Shubh Lavti, IIT Gandhinagar,

Chetan Kishore, IIT Gandhinagar,


The 21st century saw its first worldwide pandemic in the form of Covid-19. The pandemic shook the entire world from its onset in December 2019. It caused millions of deaths across the globe. The effects of the pandemic are still visible in various parts of the world. With millions of cases and deaths, it becomes crucial to study the growth, spread, and decline patterns of cases. These studies also help in predicting the future of the covid waves. Hence, WHO has maintained data on Covid-19 spread in different regions of the world. With the help of data from WHO, we can also determine vaccination distribution status, fatality and recovery rates in different areas of the world.

From the data provided, we understand that there were 231 countries which were affected by Covid-19. Few data's which we require for the study are of population in different regions, so that we can compare the spread based on populations in different regions. Also for some countries, data is not available as they do not come in the WHO region. The solution to this problem, is that we can assume that there were 0 cases in those countries, as these left out countries are small and do not contribute majorly to the spread of the pandemic.

It is important to know about the number of countries in a region, so as to understand the reason behind the spread between neighbouring countries.

Cases per region

Total Cumulative cases

From the above charts we can see that Covid's affect is completely based on regions and not on number of countries in a region (Africa has a lot of countries, but was least affected by Covid). There is no uniform spread of covid throughout the different regions. The most adverse effect of Covid was seen in the European region and the American region. A determining factor for this type of spread in the European region (even though it has comparatively less population) is because European countries are totally based on tourism and there is a lot of immigration factors. Hence, the spread being the highest. Also, we can say that Covid did not spread uniformly. It was based on environmental factors as well(African region not being affected much)

From the day of release of the data, we observe that Europe is seeing the highest increase in Covid cases in past 7 days. Again, this is credited to a lot of international movement in the European countries. Another factor which may seem to happen is about the knowledge of the cases. In many regions, Covid cases were not registered (in underdeveloped countries) and so in the developed countries, such as the European countries, most of the cases were registered and tended to.

This chart shows that the past 24 hours trend is almost similar to the 7 day trend. And it should be the case, as the trends of the past 24 hours also contribute to the past 7 days trend.

From this we can say that the rise in case in last 24 hours is very less in Africa while it has been extremely high for the American and European Countries. So we can predict that the number of cases will spike in the American and European countries for the near future.

Now let us move to the deaths due to Covid-19.

All over the world there have been millions of deaths, thus understanding the above three charts on death cases is of utmost importance.

The chart on overall death cases directly implies that even if the number of cases were way higher for European region, the number of death cases were comparatively lesser. We can infer from the chart that with the maximum spread of Covid in the European region. They have brought down the death tolls significantly with help of improved medical services. On similar grounds we can say that the other regions such as Africa and South East Asia, these regions are lacking in medical services.

The last two charts, refering to the death tolls in past 7 days and past 24 hours implies that all over the world, countries were trying to control the number of death tolls. The Western Pacific region could not control the death tolls, as we can infer from the charts.

The above graph directly relates to the medical services and vaccination status of diffierent regions across the globe. Countries in American region as well as in Eastern Mediterranean region have suffered a lot. It may be that the disease's effect may be critical in these regions, whereas it had very less impact in Africa.

Although Europe has very high number of cases in Recent times but the fatality rate is still pretty less as compared to other WHO Regions. The Fatality rate is highest in American Continent. Thus the distribution of vaccine can be proposed on the basis of this rates.

The graphs of New cases per day shows very rough trend because there is no uniformity in number of cases per day. Everyday, the cases are different and even though it depends on previous days' trends, the data collected is when people go out for their checkups and find out the results. Hence we can expect a rough graph. (Mostly for countries with less population)

In Germany, there was no peak for a long time, but we observe that by the start of 2022, the cases started to rise quickly.

Similar is the case for France.

Brazil has seen a very rough trend throughout.

In India, we can clearly see that there have been three covid spikes, where the 2nd one was the longest one and with maximum cases. Also, here the daily trends are not jacked, because of the large population.

In USA also, there are three clear spikes and that too on a similar timeline as of India. Here, the last spike is the longest.

As we can see from the above graphs that the peak in covid-19 cases and deaths are distinct for all the five countries. In India we can observe three waves (September 2020, May 2021, January 2022) in which the most devastating wave was the second wave.

We also observe that between September 2020 to May 2021, there have been maximum deaths throughout the world.

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It is an obvious observation that wherever there were huge cases, the deaths have been maximum in those regions. India, USA, France and Brazil are among the most affected countries. The European region has been most affected by covid.